about us

Creating meaningful impact in healthcare together

What do we mean by ‘beyond consulting’? It goes without saying that we are extremely good in strategy development and business consultancy. We are highly experienced and able to address very complex issues. But we offer more than that.

Meaningful impact

We combine our knowledge with that of our clients to create new insights and to arrive at solutions which have a real impact. They are practical, effective and meaningful for our clients and for all other stakeholders. We never overlook the people who will be affected by change. We offer sustainable solutions which are based on the interests of the entire organization and which enjoy wide support. Together, we ensure that those solutions are implemented effectively, so that you in turn can ‘make a difference’ for your clients or patients.

The balance between helper and hero

We are both ‘hero’ and ‘helper’. We never opt for a solution merely because it is the most obvious or the easiest way forward. Rather, we boldly seek the best solution. This will often entail ‘thinking outside the box’ to arrive at new concepts and we are not afraid to show vulnerability. We are always on hand to assist our clients and are fully committed to achieving tangible, sustainable results.

Our vision

We are driven by our values



We strive to find the perfect solution for our clients, which means setting the bar high for ourselves.


We do not shy away from the difficult questions, constantly challenging ourselves as we pursue the client’s interests.



We listen, and are always mindful of the effects of change for all concerned.


We strive for openness and transparency in our approach and in all communications.

Our team

The Vintura team comprises driven professionals with considerable experience in healthcare, the life sciences and consultancy. Each member makes a unique contribution to the team, based on his or her knowledge and skills.

Our clients

Our average client satisfaction score is a 8,8. We are very proud of this result. And the Vintura team keeps on working to maintain and improve this.

We are always looking for the right match