Since completing my degree in Mechanical Engineering in Delft, I worked as a consultant in the fields of process optimization, planning & productivity and organizational design. At Vintura I focus on translating strategy to the work floor within the healthcare sector. In doing this, I strive to combine a pragmatic view with a data and result driven approach.
I am convinced that impact only follows after real understanding. I therefore get a lot of energy from understanding the how and why of things. Whether this is the result of data analysis, a workshop or informal conversation. It is only then that realistic and implementable solutions arise. I have an opinion and wear my heart on my sleeve but remain open to the story of someone else.
I am very goal oriented, a curse and a blessing at the same time. Whether it is a sporting event, a study or a DIY project, I am always open to the next great project. Next to that, I like to meet up with friends in the pub, on the tennis court or on the racing bike.