
Global brand strategy for a pharmaceutical

Our customer is a global pharmaceutical company in mental health. Their main brand is available in many countries across the world, each with specific local challenges and opportunities. Creating an inconsistent strategy across many affiliates.

Inconsistent strategy across many affiliates

Our client was struggling to create a compelling strategic plan that supported the brand and the affiliates in achieving the ambitious growth targets. Varying local circumstances, unclear brand guidance and a competitive market were hindering the brand.

Vintura was asked to guide the global brand team on a strategic journey and develop a compelling and comprehensive strategy and plan that enables the brand to achieve success in the market.

Make choices on the where to play & how to win

The two main challenges in this project were to make strategic choices driving growth and to get buy-in from all relevant affiliates.

We organized 3 multi-day workshops with the global team and local affiliates (40+ participants) to capture their input, discuss implications and draw strategic conclusions. The sessions were supported by new and existing market research.

COVID-19 forced a shift to a digital setting. The full tactical brainstorm session was hosted via Zoom with great discussions and engagement.

Making choices and applying focus led to an updated, comprehensive and concise strategy and plan – with buy-in across the company.

A focused global brand strategy enabling growth

With this updated strategy, our client has strengthened the core story of the brand and understands where to play and how to win. The strategy is now being rolled out in affiliates across the world.

This strategy supports care providers in providing the right care for mental health patients, a patient group that is notoriously hard to treat, and allows these patients to function in normal life again.

Want to know more about how we support care providers in providing the right care for mental health patients?