
Governance Model Drives Development of Healthcare Solutions

Alignment to Reduce Risks and Avoid Duplication

An international pharma concern is aiming to lead the world in outcomes delivery, through healthcare solutions combined with real-world evidence. Its EMEA headquarters and country organizations need to collaborate more closely because costs are high, risks are substantial and duplication is a waste of resources. The company asked Vintura to design and implement a pan-European governance model to support the development of healthcare solutions and decision-making around them.

All Stakeholders Involved and Engaged

Traditionally, the firm’s country teams and functions have enjoyed a high degree of autonomy. Although time-intensive, we decided to invite as many internal stakeholders as possible to workshops to help design the new model. Everybody’s input was taken into account and they all felt engaged. The workshops thus generated buy-in for central governance and smoothed the transition from design to implementation.

Healthcare Solutions to Market

As well as designing the governance model and implementation and training materials, we also took an active role in training HQ and country teams ourselves. In just three months, we trained more than 125 people face-to-face. The company then asked us to drive the core review meetings to make sure they were progressing ideas to market. Innovative healthcare solutions now receive funding and enter the market, improving patient outcomes.

Read more about Value Based Healthcare.