
Mediating Autonomy

Talks Stalled

A specialist treatment center was craving greater independence, but its parent hospital was reluctant to let it go. Talks between the hospital board and the partners in the center had stalled over their completely different future visions. To break the deadlock, the hospital asked Vintura to mediate.

Mutual Understanding

For us, the obvious first step was to restore trust between the two sides. In our exploratory discussions with each of them, the key sticking points quickly became apparent. We then supervised further negotiations about how independent the center could be. And it worked: mutual understanding began to develop. In fact, the differences were not at as great as everyone had originally thought.

Happily Independent

The result? Both parties are truly happy with the outcome, a blueprint for the future of the center that incorporates clear agreements with the hospital. The center will gain greater autonomy over the coming years, whilst remaining part of its parent institution. A healthy basis for the future, thanks to a constructive dialogue.

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