
Prioritizing medical resource allocation

Need for medical resource allocation optimization

Our client is a top 3 pharmaceutical company. Their 2020 strategy is focussing heavily on further building and optimizing their Medical function, specifically Medical Education (MedEd). Currently they invest almost a third of direct out of pocket in MedEd, however spending levels vary across products and are inconsistent. The recognize the need for more top down guidance on budget allocation in line with strategic priorities.

Vintura was asked to develop a strategic framework and process to ensure clear and transparent decision making on MedEd budget allocation.

Creating transparency in Medical priorities

The key challenge in this project was to find a way to identify MedEd priorities without using any commercial or ROI criteria. To do this we started with the question “Why do we do MedEd?”. In multiple cross functional working sessions we identified several objective criteria that drive the need for MedEd. These criteria were incorporated in an easy to use model.

Using the model on our clients portfolio we identified MedEd priorities. We analyzed historical MedEd budget allocation in line with the priorities to find room for optimization. Based on this analysis we developed three principles to guide future MedEd budget allocation.

An intuitive tool and objective recommendations

In co-creation with our client we developed:

  • 1) a model to identify MedEd priorities,
  • 2) principles guiding MedEd budget allocation, and
  • 3) governance process and roll out plan to embed this in the organization.

Our analyses found that shifting 16% of the MedEd budget to priority products would fully optimize the MedEd budgets and would allow our client to organize impactful MedEd events in area’s that will benefit patients most. The tool, process and recommendation were endorsed by the Medical and European Leadership Teams of our client. Vintura will now be involved in implementation across Europe to further transform and optimize the Medical organization.

I enjoy working in a team and I am convinced that you will always achieve a better end result by being critical and challenging each other’s ideas.