Combining forces of midwifery care
The field of natal care in the Netherlands is turbulent. Concepts as integrated care and integrated financing require cooperation between different functions both in and outside a hospital. Following the merger of two hospitals, four midwifery care firms (first line) have decided to combine forces. Their goal is to (1) ensure fysiological (non-medical) midwifery care for (future) mothers and (2) improve quality of care by combining competencies and knowledge. Vintura was asked to help guide the midwifery care firms in their merger.
Building trust
It was immediately clear that we needed to start with building trust in each other and in the common future. In order to do this, everybody got a voice in the creation of ideas and decision-making process and we invested time in making acquaintances. Also, a series of plenary sessions were set up to share ideas and make decisions, organized and led by Vintura.
A foundation for the new organization
By guiding the process, bringing in new ideas and challenging concepts, Vintura helped the team lay the foundation for the new organization. They were able to define common goals, ambitions, a supported team set-up and organization of work. The coming period, developing a new patient pathway, governance structure, financial and legal framework are on the agenda. Together, this will create a high-quality, strong organization that can ensure the best midwifery care for mothers to be.