We believe it’s very important to get clear feedback from our clients. Following every assignment, we ask our clients for feedback. We are very proud of these results. The Vintura team keeps on working to maintain and improve these results.
“From concept to actual implementation, Vintura has accompanied us throughout the journey. It is a difficult project, with various potential outcomes, but the team has tackled all angles and I feel confident that the Vintura team has guided us in the best way possible. Very happy about their commitment and dedication.”
Kareen Forissier \ EIT Health
“Flexible and hands on.”
Katrien Antoin \ Janssen
“Expertise in healthcare, practical approach, excellent project management, thinking along and taking real care / work off your hands.” [Translated]
Manon Houter \ Stichting leefh
“Well set up and really attuned to the goals and wishes of the medical department.”[Translated]
Joep Rijnierse \ Amgen
“Good understanding of what was needed, speed of action. Good reporting.” [Translated]
Steven Alexander \ UCC
“Consultants quickly become familiar with the assignment and within the organization. There is a clear added value within the assignment in terms of expertise and advice. We work result-oriented, with tight time monitoring. Consultants are approachable and always available for consultation and / or adjustment. Working with consultants from Vintura is a pleasant atmosphere! ” [Translated]
Jan van Heiningen \ Albert Schweitzer ziekenhuis
“From the first conversation, the feeling was good. Mark and Tim are very pleasant to communicate with and their willingness to go the extra mile makes a collaboration very pleasant.” [Translated]
Karijn de Koning \ Amgen
“Excellent work done. Delivered on expectations.”
Bart van Zijll Langhout \ JANSSEN
“Very satisfied on average” [Translated]
Wolter Odding \ ZGT
“Contact is pleasant, flexible approach.” [Translated]
Astrid van Meeuwen \ Stichting Benchmark GGZ
“Expectation was higher (more result), but the situation in the group was partly the cause of this.” [Translated]
Corine Nieuwenhof \ Isala
“Expert and professional working method. The analysis of the oncological cooperation has been visualized in an insightful manner, enabling decision-making.” [Translated]
Gita Galle \ Deventer Ziekenhuis
“Vintura listened carefully to our request for help and showed flexibility in devising both the process and the actual deliverables. This enabled the deployment of the UMCU to be maximized and the impact of Vintura to be the same.” [Translated]
Corina Bots \ UMC Utrecht
“Are sharp – also outside the scope of the assignment – on the result and are very capable of reducing complexity to understandable and manageable models.” [Translated]
Remco van Lunteren \ UMC Utrecht
“Good substantive (critical!) Qualitative support. Good accessibility to consultants, excellent coordination.” Own “in ASZ organization in a short time. Tight process monitoring. Both consultants good discussion partners at all levels: in working groups with employees and operational management and steering group with Board of Directors. Board and Medical Staff. ” [Translated]
Gert-Jan van Heiningen \ Albert Schweitzer ziekenhuis
“Betrouwbaar, to-the-point, gedreven. Als je binnen de afgesproken periode van vele ideeën een samenhangend geheel maakt waar de groep de komende periode verder kan, is dit met recht een professioneel gedreven bureau.”
Guus Janus \ Isala
“Zeer prettige laagdremelige contacten. Product wat opgeleverd is, is kwalitatief prima. Kennis van zaken. Accuraat in het nakomen van afspraken.”
Wilbert Hondeveld \ Deventer ziekenhuis
“De inbreng van Vintura is essentieel geweest om een complex plan, waar verschillende stakeholders niet altijd dezelfde belangen hebben, tot een eenduidig voorstel te brengen. Waarin niet alleen alle betrokken partijen zich in kunnen vinden, maar dat er tevens toe geleid heeft dat de verschillende stakeholders dichter tot elkaar gekomen zijn.”
Peter Luijten \ UMC UTRECHT
“Luistert naar de klant, stelt goede structuur voor, informatieve sheets, korte doorlooptijd.”
Han van Wijk \ Albert Schweitzer
“Professionele wijze waarop Roche Pharma en Diagnostics zijn benaderd t.b.v. verkenning voor samenwerking richting strategische partners. Erg tevreden over interactie van Mark en Remco.”
Mark Marijnissen \ Roche Diagnostics Nederland BV
“Professioneel en gedreven medewerkers die zich inzetten voor een gezamenlijk resultaat. Het project was complex, buiten de geijkte banen van Vintura waarvoor stretch nodig was. Goede discussies en gezamenlijk zoeken naar richting. Overdracht van informatie was voor velen binnen de NRG organisatie goed geslaagd.”
Philippe Brouwers \ NRG
“Consultants tonen zeer snel begrip van (complexe) processen, denken mee, doen kritisch objectieve toetsing en nemen ook uitwerking op zich op beeldend en inzichtelijke wijze. Onder forse tijdsdruk zijn zeer goede resultaten geboekt.”
Ada spronk \ ISALA
Mark is happy to tell you more about our customer satisfaction