Ons team

Salma Lemhadri

With a rich background in diagnostics and early-stage biotech, I bring strategic focus and analytical expertise to tackle complex healthcare challenges at Vintura.

My knowledge and experience

I have had the opportunity to work in various environments in the healthcare industry before joining Vintura: in the diagnostics field for a French health startup, and later in an early-stage biotech. These experiences both helped me discover the healthcare industry, which I am delving deeper into at Vintura, with a strategic focus by combining problem-solving and analytical skills with an understanding of health-specific topics.

My contribution to the team and our clients

I like to dive deep into the client’s problematics and help their with methodological problem-solving capabilities. I have been developing critical thinking in my previous experiences, and furthermore at Vintura.

About myself

I am passionate about music and arts. I have been playing the piano since my childhood, and still enjoy playing it on my free-time today. Besides, I have been trying drawing and painting, with moderate success, but I am definitely enjoying it!

I bring strategic focus and analytical expertise to tackle complex healthcare challenges